Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Questions for 8th Dec 2010

Q1. Which element was discovered during a solar eclipse in India in 1868, separately by two scientists at Guntur & Vijaydurg?

Q2. Who gave the theory that humans possess innate ability for language? He's also an outspoken critic of US foreign policy.

Q3. Unscramble RCBATREOUTR – device that blends fuel and air in internal combustion engines.

Q4. What equation gives an estimate of the number of intelligent civilizations that may exist in our galaxy the Milky Way?

Q5. What stimulant is added to colas/softdrinks such as Pepsi and Coke?


Siva Chandan G said...

1) Helium
2)Avram Noam Chomsky
4)Drake Equation
5) Caffeine