Wednesday, December 1, 2010

First round of STQuiz ends

Dear Participants,

With the end of November, the first round of STQuiz comes to a close. Congratulations and thanks to all the participants for making STQuiz successful.

The Cumulative Scores Table for November will stop and a new table will begin for December. The joint toppers for November are @Prashanth_Krish and @kirankarlmarx. Congratulations to them! In the future, we hope to award prizes in cash or otherwise. But for now, we desire that the toppers adjusht with fame :-)

The table is intended only to induce a spirit of competition. The important thing is your participation, to help serve the primary objective of STQuiz: sharing knowledge, in a fun manner.

It has been a wonderful beginning. When we began, we had no idea how it would go. It was a rather abrupt initiative. The time between conception to implementation was two hours. But the response has been very encouraging.

We believe there is always scope for improvement and this is a good opportunity to receive feedback from you. Would you like STQuiz to remain a daily quiz with Sunday and some other days as holidays? If not, how many days of interval would you like between quizzes? If you have any other suggestion(s) to make, you are always welcome. Anytime, anywhere. You may leave your feedback in Comments or reply @S_Chaitanya on Twitter. We appreciate honest feedback, especially the brutally honest variety :-) So shoot.


prashhanthkpp said...

An excellent concept to exercise the otherwise dormant mind from its usual routines. Do keep it up. Will participate whenever possible, it is only a pleasure. And of course S_Chaitanya is an excellent quiz master as well.

Chaitanya said...


Thank you. We hope you continue to enjoy it :-)